Sunday, October 14, 2012

Henry Ford Of the Model -T Ford and many other inventions-was also known as Buffalo Bill---Helped to tame the Bufffalo---

The Actor Ronald Reagan was son of  Henry Ford.Took them many-many years but KKK murdered him and used his face and name in Politics for years.The real actor Ronald Reagan-A Native American Mohican Apache man-a very good American of faith.Stood strong for right over wrong.And when an Apache fights to defend-its a fight to the death.

Henry Ross Ford of the production line.Grandfather to America-A wonderful Fine Native American Mohican Apache-Brought much Industry Out for USA citizens but also protected USA citizens interest threw the years with a strong hand of the Law.More Real History soon to be told.

Thomas Edison-Invented many wonders for USA citizens.A Native American Mohican Apache-A wise Strong man of Faith.As he invented the light bulb-his mission was to keep his lamp stand burning as the Bible tells us to do.Stay on the watch.Hitler could not steal from him as easily as he thought.They had to buy the light bulb and attachments.More complicated process then they could understand-It is a shame to try and honor many wonderful good faithful servants of Jehovah God-men of America-to have to mention Hitler-But the story can not be told without speaking the whole truth.And Hitler was the trouble maker in society as inventions came to be.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Henry Ross Ford-of the Production line.A Native American Mohican Apache-The Grandfather of America-He started a small production line process at age 16-in 1814-he was born 1798-Lived a full industrial life to an old age of 149 years of age.dies 1945.He was related and good friends with Thomas Edison and the Henry Ford of the Model-T ford.Who also invented the steam engine and worked with Henry Ross Ford on the tank.But all in all they worked together with many ideas and produced many products to the public at a reasonable price.At age 25 yrs-Was his time to serve in the USA military.He was raised on the Oklahoma reservation established in the 1766.Which became the birth place of the production line.He was concerned about leaving his family and his business-due to trouble makers of the Irish KKK out west.But he went anyway-for it was his patriotic duty.While in the Military he informed the Government officials of the trouble makers.At the end of his 1 year time he was assigned a military force to lead the way for stricter Law and order out west.Upon his return-he found his business burned to the ground.But all family were OK.The military personal helped to rebuild and got everyone back to work.And they commenced action against the KKK out of USA again.And established more Law enforcement threw the west-By 1928-USA had home land secured.

This picture was taken in 1823-Henry Ross Ford-age 25-A need to tame the Buffalo came about-As many as possible of the elder Buffalo were killed and the baby's kept to train.Because they became uncontrollable.The train or any loud noises would start them into a stampede.That was unstoppable until they decided to stop.So many Fields and people were trampled.All the furs and meat went to good use.Much clothing,blankets-and food helped many.

Buffalo-First started out called Buflo-
When a buffalo would get angry-he snarls and blows air out his nose low to the ground-As he Kicks the dirt in a digging manner.Deciding weather to attack or not.Sometimes You might not be the one he is mad at-so its best to get out of the way-find a tree-something solid and high off the ground.

Friday, October 12, 2012

In American-We as citizens of United States of American.And our Nation is under one God Jehovah-We are a Christian Nation for a reason.Many that come into USA have to learn to conform to Jehovah Gods Laws-If not they are discipline.By Law and or the hand of the almighty God.In many ways Jehovah Works.Hurricane's-tornadoes-floods-And the evil still continue-we have to stay stronger as a Nation and continue to rebuke this evil British Irish KKK group.As we have done threw history.